Monday, February 26, 2007 site is up

Hi All my friends,

Thanks for all your calls & care in last few days. To tell you the truth, I couldn't restore the server yet, there are some technical problems I still need to solve at the moment.

Instead of waiting, I just purchursed a web hosting package and uploaded my flash main site (http://www.SimonThePhoto) onto it. Some of the customer album designs are also uploaded. If you can't access your album, please let me know.

For my blog ( , it takes more time as it involves blog database restore.

Again, thanks for all your care.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

update on my crashed website

I spent one day trying to troubleshoot the server, but still didn't have a clue.
Just purchased a new hard disk and preparing to do a restore from backup. I 'll be shooting a wedding on coming Sat (1st wedding of the year of PIG), I hope I can finish the recovery on Sunday and have the site back on next Monday.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Update on my server

I went to the date center yesterday and have a check on the server. It just couldn't reboot. After some checking, it looked like there 're some corruptions on the harddisk. Luckily, all data (web, my blog) are intact.

Worked till 2:00 am last night, but failed to make it boot up. I am running Redhat on my server, any expert here?

I am working on the photo retouch at the same time, but all existing clients, please allow a few days of delay. I am sorry about that.


Monday, February 19, 2007

My server is down

Hi All,

Another bad thing happened (my car was out of order two days ago), my server is down and all support staff of the hosting company is on vacation for Chinese New Year.

In the meantime, You can still reach me by email me at
"Wedding AT"
or call me at 852-9109 9665

For existing customers, your online album is also suspended.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
